Tanie, one of my favorite ladies I've met through the internet made me the BEST banner in the entire world.
Tanie's photo, I'll take one when my room doesn't look like butt
LOOK AT IT. It's OMBRE GLITTER. It is the greatest thing in my bedroom right now. Instead of being an asshole like half the people on etsy, she keeps the cost super low and makes them incredibly fast. I'm obsessed. I want my entire house to be filled with banners and bunting and I want her to be my bff/mom/craft partner.
The Keurig single cup coffee maker. Chuckie got it for Christmas and I. Love. It. I don't even drink that much coffee but I insist on making it constantly because I'm amazed by it. It's so fast, it's so delicious. Right now I'm drinking tea because I didn't have to heat up water for five minutes and steep tea. It's just ready instantly. The cups are expensive but I plan on buying every kind of coffee and tea and hot chocolate ever.
Thank you Sarah! I'm glad you like it :D