Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Dominican was AMAZING. We spent eight beautiful days playing in the sun, drinking fruity drinks in the pool, eating the most delicious fruit I've ever had, reading a million books, getting couple massages, PLAYING WITH A MONKEY, etc etc etc. The weather was perfect everyday and the resort was fantastic, everyday they would cover our room in fresh flowers and send bottles of wine at night. 

 View from our patio

See that farmers tan? Yeah... that's what we needed to work on. 

We did so many cool things, too. We went snorkeling (MY FAVORITE) and scuba diving (a little weird as far as the breathing/ear pressure went, but still cool), the water is so crisp and blue and there were millions of fish and they ate from my hand >:). We drove our own speed boats which was awesome because it reminded me of being a kid on Long Island and we would go out all the time on my grandpas boats and he would let me drive and just THAT FEELING, ugh, that feeling of being completely out in the open water where it's so damn peaceful and fun and the smell of the ocean and your face being splashed with water and hair turning to waves I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH.


We also went out on buggies through the countryside which was absolutely BEAUTIFUL but also awesomely gross because we were driving through huge mud puddles and getting smacked in the face with giant mud balls and we had to bathe in something like a river but not quite. 

Half way through and not nearly as dirty as we became. Chuckie had to throw his shirt and backpack away!

It was just great. It was my first time at an all inclusive resort and while it isn't my favorite type of vacation (I'll never give up my several-cities-in-one-trip traveling), it was exactly what we needed after this busy year. Resorts are like this weird alternate universe, the grounds are exquisite and people are doing everything for you and everywhere you turn there is a fruity drink and live music and buffets and fancy restaurants and the nicest people you'll ever meet, it was so strange but so cool. It came at the perfect time since Chuckie has been studying his ass off and having a week straight of uninterrupted ~love~ and fun time was exactly what we needed. 


  1. i'm dying - this looks so perfect!!!
    insanely jealous

  2. your pictures are fabulous, sounds like an amazing time. I can't wait to hear more about it :)
