Sunday, October 28, 2012


Lately my life is full. Full of faces I love, sisters and babies and closest friends. Full of reunions. Full of homemade dinners and desserts. Full of beautiful trees and leaves and weather. Full.

Bijou and I had a sleepover last weekend. We stayed up late, ate ice cream (twice), watched Jem and the Holograms, went to the park and played with one of my oldest, closest friends, Jason, and his girls. I thought it was going to be my temporary baby fever cure as it usually is (she is my heart, but babygirl is a handful) but it actually just made it feel like, wow, this is what it's all about. Walking around the town center holding both of our hands, swinging her in between us like my parents used to do to me. Waking up early to her poking her head in, a huge smile plastered across her face, crawling into bed with us and saying "Auntie Sarah, I'm SO happy I woke up here!" and making bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches together. 

This week my best friend moved home and I couldn't be more thrilled. We haven't lived in the same state in three years and it has been so refreshing to be together and talk about the stupid stuff we did when we were 16 and sing at the top of our lungs to our old favorite songs. Being apart for so long resulted in a lazy friendship of texting and emails, so to go back to seeing each other a few times a week is so much fun and I feel like we have been renewed. And when Chris, her boyfriend, is around, it just completes it. Him and I are basically the same person (Sorry, Alyssa) and we just talk talk talk talk talk. He gets me on everything, even spiritual stuff, which makes everything feel right and united.

Monique's boyfriend came home after being away the entire year and I feel like I'm going to burst with emotion because of it. We didn't expect him to be home until next summer, but a fabulous turn of luck/fate/whatever it may be, brought him home this week. I really didn't think it would effect me so much, but waking up and finding out I literally felt my heart swell. I'm just so so so so happy for him and my sister and Malakai and their beautiful little family. He's been around for years and years and I have always loved him so much, and I still can't get over seeing his face around the house and out with us. It's perfect.


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