Monday, April 30, 2012

Makin' moves.

Lots of changes have been happening since I last posted. A shop in our hometown started calling Chuckie a month or so ago asking him to come work for them, they had been trying to work together for years but the timing never worked. At first I was all absolutely not, no way in hell, I'd rather die than move back to Virginia, but when we came up to talk out all the details I realized that it really was the best decision for us (AKA decent money amirite?). Atlanta was growing on me but both of us being unemployed for 6+ months destroyed my savings into the saddest little number I haven't seen since I was 14 and I didn't feel like our luck would ever change there. 
SO we decided we would move back by the end of May, say our goodbyes and explore Atlanta as much as we could in the last month. While we were up talking out the details they were all 'lol we changed our minds we really need you here in TWO DAYS.' Yeah, seriously. Coincidentally, one of Monique's many admirers works for a moving company and just happened to be going to Atlanta that very weekend, so things worked out perfectly. I found an adorable condo for us to live six streets down from my sister that also happened to be on HGTV (did the universe know I've been watching it all day everyday for the last five months?) There is no one above us or on one side of us, we have an entire field as our front yard, an awesome trail in the woods right next to us, pool, etc IT IS FABULOUS. 

Me, Monique and Malakai took a few days to drive back so we could stop in Asheville and Charlotte. We had amazing readings and food in Asheville and it was just another reminder that it is absolutely the right place for us when we leave here (hopefully in one year, at the absolute most maybe two). 

We've been here less than a week but I'm still pretty happy with our decision. I've been spending a ton of time with my bff, my sisters, and my nieces/nephew. I get to be irl friends with Heather, a fabulous lady who I never got the chance to form a solid relationship with while I still lived here (our blogs brought us together ;)). Monique and I even worked out TWICE, and that is more than I've done in the last five years. So far so good, but I'm sure I'll be kicking and screaming about it in a few months. That's just my nature. 


  1. Jelly of that huge front yard. Oliver is one lucky pooch!

  2. Yay! I am so excited you are back in a super selfish kind of way :). I can't wait to have many adventurous together & let our friendship expand past the internet.

    Just remember, everything happens for a reason, coming back to Woodbridge will help you reach that dream future, totally worth it.

    ps. I read this when you posted on my phone and had the biggest lamest smile on my face for a good 10-15 min after words :D haha
