Monday, June 4, 2012

SSB: That time I marathoned the entire series of Dawson's Creek

Dawson's Creek recently went up on Netflix and after a few ladies were talking about starting it up, I figured what the hell? I haven't seen it since I was in high school and even though I know it's terrible, it's the good terrible, right?! RIGHT? Okay maybe it's actually a literal terrible but who cares. 
The first two seasons are so. bad. I don't really have words. The talking, the slow motion walking when Jen and Tamara come on screen, Dawson's hair, I just .. I can't. Joey with her stupid smile (don't even get me started on the beauty pageant episode), Jen being so ~damaged from the big city~. Dawson, who is the "nice guy", AKA the entitled, eternal victim who expects his girlfriends to think he is God's gift to earth. Pacey is the only one I love and even he is questionable in the first season.

By season three, however, I'm into it. Not the beginning with stupid Eve, but when Pacey realizes he's into Joey and Jack meets a boy he likes and Jen kisses a dude who is now better referred to as Jimmy and looks like Leonardo DiCaprio's little brother. 

Dawson also slowly gets less and less scenes, which is great. It also provided us with this gem:

I apologize that it is mostly Dawson in these gifs, considering he sucks the most, but I'm shocked and appalled at the lack Dawson's Creek gifs on the internet. 

Anyway, I'm jealous Joey got to go on a boat all summer with Pacey while I sit at home and watch netflix with my dog. I also think the way he broke up with her was kind of rude but if I was dating her I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same way. The college years happen and WHAT A WASTE because they generally suck, although I am a fan of Eddie and there are a few good episodes, such as the K-mart one (the face shaving scene gets me, I can't lie). The ending is stupid in that I hate that TV always feels the need to kill someone off for NO reason, but I still liked it and cried a lot (don't judge me), especially when Jen was talking about never feeling like she fit in and Jack was like DON'T YOU GET IT THAT'S WHY WE'RE SOULMATES. I am also happy with the way it ended for My Favorite Couple >:).

The moral of this post is that I really need to get a job and stop locking myself in my house with my phone on silent. 


  1. Whatever, this is an awesome post, no judgement for having lots of feelings about a tv show!

    I mean, if there is one show in which they express their feelings so... extensively, it's dawson's creek, no? :))

    1. LOL so true! I have never used as many big words as they do in one episode in my whole life.

  2. I'm going to straight start at season 3 tbh when I start watching after Everwood. Dawson's is a baby ass baby, forever loathe him.
