Friday, September 21, 2012

Life List 2.0

Recently I was looking through my tumblr and came across this list I wrote last year. Since then I have gotten married, move states twice, became a dog mom and had two new babies come into my life. I didn't realize how little my "hopes" had changed, but this list is pretty spot on for me. Definitely not in the order it is written, but the important things are there. I want to try to do an updated version of this every year to constantly remind myself of the changes I've made, the changes I'm working on, and the changes that are no longer necessary. 

life list as of now. May 1, 2011 - Updates. September 19, 2012
.travel the world. i know i won’t get everywhere, but to see at least 75% of all the countries/cities i want to see.
Take one big trip within the country every year, and one out of the country every other year. 
.understand portuguese without having to ask them to speak slowly and respond properly.
You have one year to brush up on it. DO IT.
.have a well traveled, spiritual, intelligent daughter with my eyes & chuckies nose & lips & neither of our eyebrows, dear god.
Don't worry about owning a house first or having everything Perfect. Pregnancy is beautiful and awesome and YOU GROW A CHILD INSIDE OF YOU, don't think too much into the birth of it (it's only one day.) Keep reading and talking about it, it's helping. You're almost there. 
.astral project
And give readings, healings, work with your guides more, and anything else that comes your way. 
.go on a spiritual retreat to lily dale.
It doesn't have to be lily dale. The mountains are perfect for this. Maybe Central America. 
.find the perfect city to buy a cottage/bungalow & stay there for at least 5 years.
You won't end up anywhere you don't want to end up, so don't stress. "Our endless and impossible journey toward home, is in fact, our home". Chuckie is home, my sisters and babies are home, you're good.
.have a garden and grow my own veggies.
And lots of hydrangea bushes to remind myself of Long Island.
.heal my body on my own once and for all.
In the process of being done. Gluten free and tons of fresh juicing. Caring for my body in the form of meditation, yoga, craniosacral, and regular energy work. Ridding my life of toxic relationships, habits, and thoughts. I feel good more days than not for the first time in ten years and it makes me so thankful and even more motivated.  
.find a job that truly satisfies me, or become a housewife and cook every meal and bake every night.
Stop hiding behind meaningless jobs, your work is meant to be done in the spiritual world. Stop being afraid to work with all of the people who have offered you help, they have offered to work with you for a reason. You are in the perfect place location wise, financially, and mentally to start toward this. You are here for a reason. 


  1. you know, you were an amazing person, but your becoming an even better person every day :) Let the life journey to adult hood... or whatever it is we should be aging into in due tome... continue & be full of exciting changes. If we stayed the same from year to year, could you imagine how boring we'd be? Plus, you have graduated from Tumbler to blog, I am proud of you :)

    1. You are always the best, I love your attitude about everything! And your last sentence made me laugh <3
