Sunday, December 9, 2012


A post of pictures that have nothing to do with the writing. 

Lately I've been trying to spend less time online. I've taken a step back from the internet community I was most active in (my life sounds cool, yes?) because everything felt so heavy and negative all the time and I'm still trying to always take notice when things bum me out more than they lift me up and it was becoming one of those situations. I (as well as several of the editors and writers) decided to stop writing for Feminspire after the way the EIC handled criticism (or didn't handle it, I should say) about the lack of diversity on the site. I hope that they can change and grow from everything that happened, but it isn't something I want to be a part of anymore. I've never really been into facebook and I feel like a lot of my favorite blogs haven't been around so much lately. Maybe there's something in the water.

I got my wisdom teeth out a few days ago and surprisingly realized I spent YEARS being terrified of doing it for no reason. I literally had no pain. I had anesthesia but it was nothing like real surgery, as soon as they woke me up from it I got up and walked over to a chair and was talking away (well, mumbling, I had a mouthful of gauze) and immediately went to get smoothies. I didn't really swell and I never even had to take painkillers which I am SO happy about because I hate them and taking an antibiotic is bad enough. I can finally bite down without biting my cheek in literally years and it's so exciting! This is my life. This is what I'm excited about.

Monique and I went wedding dress shopping and it is SO WEIRD. I am so looking forward to not being the only married one in a family full of people who.. kind of hate marriage. I had to try on one of the dresses that was stupid sized and it was one of those moments where we were like "...this is the very last thing we ever imagined" and had to take a picture before one of us broke out into a rash Carrie style. (Being married is cool, I swear)

I just finished This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz after hearing it was amazing by a million people and it they were right. I got too many books recently and I'm excited and overwhelmed trying to decide what to read. I think I'm going to start Wild by Cheryl Strayed tonight, and then The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. Or Paper Towns. Or Beautiful Creatures. I DON'T KNOW I DON'T KNOW I wish I enjoyed reading multiple books at once but I'm too obsessive for that. 

I AM RAMBLING and now all my pizza is gone. 


  1. I love Junot Diaz and I've missed seeing you around online..! I'm so glad your oral surgery went so well.

  2. Haha! EMBARRASSING... you put up our Carrie & Miranda moment! <3

    That little boy under us is THE CUTEST. ;)
