Friday, July 1, 2011


So, June was pretty rough for me. I tend to fall into ruts where I don't leave the house, don't see friends, don't have any motivation or energy, and it has managed to capture my last few months.  It has left me obsessed with moving again, but I know the problem isn't Austin, the problem is me.  We've finally reached July and I'm going to make a conscious effort to turn things around.  I'll be working full time this month (busiest month at Nordstrom, hooray) which will make it even harder, but I'm going to do it.  This will probably be our only Summer spent in Austin, and I want to spend as much time as possible by the river, tubing, drinking, laughing, and dancing around with friends.  

This post is basically a pep talk for myself, I'm hoping if I have it in writing it'll happen.

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