Monday, October 3, 2011


I am a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad blogger.  It's just that... life hasn't been that interesting.  My new manager is a mega douche.  Chuckie hasn't been able to find a job in two months and it's taken a toll on our fun side.  So I decided it's time for some changes.  I had been toying with the idea of moving to Nashville when our lease is up 11/1, but I would only have a very, very part time job, we wouldn't know where to live/anyone/where to find jobs, and flights home would still be $250+.  So I did my new moon wishes and begged for a damn sign on what to do.  I woke up the next morning and was like ....Atlanta.  Yup.  We're moving to Atlanta.  In three weeks.
I had kind of pushed Atlanta from our options a while back because I'm not in love with the city.  Sure, it's a cool city and his family is there, but it has never been somewhere I really wanted to live. But then I realized all of the pluses to it-
The winter is pretty mild, and I'm just not ready for a full winter yet/ever again.  We'll be near family, we'll be able to celebrate the holidays with people and delicious foods and happy get togethers.  We can drive home if we need to.
But most importantly, Atlanta has the busiest airport in the WORLD.  Yes, it sucks, yes they always fuck up the flights, BUT the flights are cheaper than pretty much anywhere else.  It'll be less than $150 to fly home and see my nieces and nephew, which is really the main reason for moving.  We'll also be able to fly to other places for so much cheaper ($350 for Costa Rica! Europe!) and we'll be able to take road trips again!
I'm super excited about it.  I love Austin, I love my friends here, and I don't think I'll be quite as happy there as I have been here, but I'll have so much more opportunity to do the things I love to do and see the people I love to see and I'm just really ready for it.  

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