Friday, November 25, 2011

Welcome to Atlanta

We've been in Atlanta for a few weeks now. It's no Austin but I'm getting used to it.  It's weird to be around family who actually get along, and I've only gotten into one argument about politics and feminism so I'm doing pretty well so far.  Neither one of us have found a job yet so I'm spending a lot of time on the couch eating indian takeout and crying over one tree hill episodes from 2004. 

I have a new niece who is adorable and perfect and makes my ovaries ache.

I also got my reiki certification FINALLY even though I've been doing it since I was a kid, I'm officially certified to heal yo pains, girl.  One step closer to crazy hippie cat lady who tells you what color your aura is. 


  1. It is my goal to visit you while you're in ATL. I want to go to that aquarium!!!

  2. i would be so so excited if you did! you guys have a room here anytime you want it :)
