Saturday, February 4, 2012


After a week of stressing over bills, putting together our wedding invitations, addressing them (which surprisingly took forever), and realizing we're not going to be able to leave the house next week (Chuckie is having surgery), I decided I NEEDED to get out of this city for a little while. We didn't have enough extra money to take a weekend trip so a day trip was in order, and decided it was the perfect time to finally visit Asheville. 
The weather was perfect. It was incredibly sunny but cool enough to walk around without breaking a sweat. We headed straight to Sunny Point Cafe in West Asheville for brunch, where I had savory french toast (stuff with a mixture of cream cheese, sharp cheddar, and sausage).
It sounded too unique to not try it and my god, it was absolutely delicious. We were going to walk around West Asheville but it felt really cluttered and crowded, so we drove by some (adorable) house and went straight to Hendersonville to a crystal shop to get a feel for the spiritual businesses around. 
We headed downtown where we stopped by the Dripolator, a coffee shop Niec has been talking about forever. We sat outside in the perfect weather soaking it all in, feeling the energy of the city and the mountains and the people. 
We walked around the city and I just have to say again how amazing it was to be in a downtown area that is filled with spiritual shops, hippie stores, and alternative medicine practices. It was fantastic and more than I expected. 
We decided to drive through some neighborhoods in North Asheville, where we would probably live, and oh my god. OH. MY. GOD. The houses! I DIED. Some of the most beautiful houses I've ever seen. I wish I snapped some pictures but I was too busy being wide eyed-mouth open to function. Here's an inn from a google search which was just one of the many gorgeous places (although not all gigantic like this) 
Now that I found the most beautiful neighborhood in the city my day dreaming is going to be out of control.
Anyway, we ended the night with the most delicious meal at Homegrown, a restaurant serving all local food. Country fried steak, pimento cheese with flatbread and veggies, the perfect salad, a gigantic brownie. It was to die for. And again, gone before I could manage to snap a picture. 

I'm still trying to talk myself out of loving Asheville, I have a list of cons (expensive real estate, no jobs, scary roads, far away from my nieces/nephew) but it's going to be tough. I really think this could be a place I finally settle down and buy a house (you know, when money just falls from the sky). I just need to feel connected to a place and with all the nature and mountains and lakes I could really see it happening. Fingers crossed.


  1. That sounds perfect! I got chills reading this. lol THAT FRENCH TOAST. I told Matt we should come visit you in GA this summer instead of going to Montana.

    1. IT WAS SO GOOD, we would have the best time eating there everything was AMAZING.

      also, Georgia > Montana. Bring Darby ;)
