Sunday, February 26, 2012

Breaks, VA and Malakai.

I was really good at this whole blogging thing last month, but February has been quite slow. For the first time I felt like I really needed to step back from the internet, specifically the few places I spend most of my time on here, for various reasons. BUT I am not giving up on you, blog!

I went to Virginia for almost two weeks to welcome the newest love of my life, Malakai. 
He is adorable and so alert and has a scream that sounds exactly like Prince. Monique's labor was horrible and terrifying but I'm doing my best to block it out and just think about this little guy. I also got to spend time with my favorite girls (Chuckie can be included in this category)

I seriously cannot get enough of these ladies. Jolie is the happiest, fattest, sweetest little baby, and Bijou has more personality than I have in my pinkie. That girl is amazing and crazy and is going to turn Jessica's hair grey before she hits double digits.

We stopped in Carrboro, NC on the way up to check it out after having it recommended to me a few times. I really liked it, all local coffee shops and cafes and a nice vibe. Of course after I thought 'I could live here' I realized it it's one of the more expensive towns in the area, I suck at this.
On the way home we stopped in Richmond to check out a neighborhood. I'm trying really, really hard to convince myself that I love Richmond and could live there since it's only an hour away from my family but I'm not quite convinced yet. When I think about it I just think of all the annoying hipsters from Woodbridge who went to VCU and the impossible parking and the fact that Virginia is a gross, backwards, republican state that thinks my uterus is government property. Not that NC is great with that either. Once again hating that I have a need to be close to them when all the places I want to live are so far away.

Oliver did great on this roadtrip which is a big step for him since he's terrified of the car! Halfway through he decided he wanted to assist Chuckie in driving and then pose with me from the backseat. No drugs necessary. 
It was great seeing everyone but I am soooooo happy to be home. Lola hasn't left my side since. I can never go home without getting sick (if my mind isn't rejecting VA my body is) and an eleven hour car ride only made it worse, so I'm off to medicate and drink tea (or whine about it to Chuckie and eat M&Ms, whatever).

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