Tuesday, March 6, 2012


"You finished the entire Hunger Games trilogy in just 48 hours, existing only on Chinese take-out and your Peeta-loving tears. Congratulations! But now you’re stuck in a post-THG depression, craving more dark, dystopian young adult fiction. Maybe you’re even feeling a little embarrassed about this new desire. After all, you’re a high-functioning, stable and successful adult with great hair and a casual but cool wardrobe*. Is it normal to want to read about angst-y teens fighting oppressive future-governments while making out with each other? The answer is YES"
via hellogiggles

This. This is my life right now. I never really caught on the popular-book-series-turned-movie band wagon,  but since I've been trying to spend a lot less time on the computer and I figured I would see the Hunger Games at some point, I downloaded the kindle app for my iPad (best app EVER), downloaded the book and hoped I'd somehow get pulled into this story that is not typically the kind that I'm interested in. 

Two days later I emerged, in the exact same clothes, on the exact same spot on the couch, all three books read. A smile on my face with the last lines of the book.  Depression settling in at the thought of it being over. Obsessed. I don't really think there's another word that could describe it. I even woke up this morning from a hunger games dream.

 I'm dying for the movie. DYING. Even though I don't see how it could possibly be better than the book. 
Apparently there's been a lot of upset about the casting, but for the most part, I think it's pretty good. Jennifer Lawrence will make a great Katniss. People are complaining she's too old, too curvy, but she's meant to be strong, and I'd have a hard time believing it if the role went to one of the tiny little things that were auditioning. 
Peeta. Peeta, Peeta, Peeta. My problem is with you. I'm trying to find the appeal. I'm trying to accept that you two had the best chemistry together. But you are just not what I was picturing. I knew Hunter Parrish had auditioned, so in my head, he was a cross of him and maybe a little Logan from Gilmore Girls (I'm not really sure why, I don't particularly care for Logan, but it's what my brain wanted). Although I can see they're too old, they have that charm and charisma that Peeta has, the ability to say the right thing, to make your heart swoon, to scream WHY AREN'T YOU REAL LIFE? WHY DIDN'T YOU THROW ME BREAD WHEN I WAS STARVING? And I just can't get that from Josh Hutcherson. I hope he proves me wrong.
I think the rest is cast pretty well. I don't particularly care for either of them, but Woody Harrelson will be perfect as Haymitch. And Lenny Kravitz as Cinna is flawless. I can't wait to see what they do with Finnick in the next movie, but it probably won't matter because it doesn't come out for TWO YEARS and I'll surely die from withdrawal by then.

If you haven't read this book you need to do it. NOW. 

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