Friday, May 11, 2012

vamps, dystopia, and never leaving my house.

If you know anything about my Secret Home Life, you know that I watch a lot of TV series in their entirety and read a lot of young adult fiction (I actually just typed victim instead of fiction, that should tell you how sick I am).

This week I decided to watch True Blood from the first episode since the new season starts next month. Oh. My. God. I forgot how fucking good it was. Pretty much every thing Lafayette says in the first season is flawless (although I love him always, especially when he's with Jesus, RIP), Tara was hilarious and making up stories about her husband killing dudes and her baby daddy who just got out of prison going to beat her bosses ass. 

Bill was actually dark and sexy in the first couple episodes (and always accompanied with a string quartet) and Eric was not. What a sad world when you think Bill is better than Eric. Also, let's have a moment of silence for the beautiful episode in season three when Alcide walked into our lives. I'm not usually into super buff tan werewolves, but give me a tall, bearded dude any day and I probably won't be mad. 

After the can't-put-it-down can't-think-about-anything-else state the Hunger Games left me in, I needed more. I picked up a few other books that were recommended to read after HG, and although I was doubtful they'd fill the huge Peeta shaped hole in my heart, I had to do something to feel normal again.

Because I'm bad at summarizing - (via hellogiggles) - Lena lives within the confines of her society where, at eighteen, all teens are cured by the government of deliria (ie: love) and assigned a spouse and job. This all sounds good to Lena – whose own mother committed suicide after the cure failed her – until she falls in love three months before she’s scheduled to have the procedure. 

So, the writing in the book is great, but a little Too Much. Every little detail is described in so many metaphors and... words. Too many words. Describing a spoonful of broth would take up half a page and you'd forget that the conversation was even happening. It was about 90% describing minuscule details and 10% action. Lena was kind of annoying with how By The Books she was, but became more bearable by the end. But then there was the end, and I didn't like that either. I couldn't get into it until halfway through the book and by then end I was MAD and left with something that doesn't attract me to reading the second book. Bummer.

Divergent, on the other hand, is my new obsession.

Also via hellogiggles - In post-apocalyptic Chicago, society is divided into five factions based on very different and distinct virtues. 16-year-old Beatrice must decide to either stay with her family’s faction or follow her heart to another group and risk being shunned by her parents and peers.

This book totally did it for me. It started out a little unclear whether or not it was going to be able to, but half way through I was all about Tris, fighting for her life (literally), realizing how wrong things were at the same time she did, feeling like you're 13 and not sure if this boy is someone you like or someone just playing with you. It was SO GOOD. The sequel just came out last week (though I have yet to read it, very tight schedule with True Blood and all), but the thought of waiting a year for the last book basically makes me want to die. I have no idea how anyone managed to do it for Hunger Games, my life would've been so empty and meaningless for the year in between books. Yes, I take young adult fiction this seriously, but WHO DOESN'T!?


  1. People who don't take young adult fiction, ESPECIALLY those set in a post-apocalyptic dystopia, seriously.... well let's just say we're not friends. It is LITERALLY my favourite genre of books.

    1. EXACTLY.

      Also, did you watch the finale of Secret Circle? YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO WATCHES IT WITH ME. I was going to include it with my post but then I started watching True Blood again..

    2. We actually haven't been watching it, we're saving it for when all of our regular shows end for the season and then we're gonna marathon it. WAS IT AMAZING? please tell me it was amazing.

    3. I think the last episode we watched was when that one guy got possessed by the snake demon and other girl's dad drowned him. I'm excited to start watching it again!

      Lol Taylor saw them filming by his work one time.

    4. holy crap you have A LOT to watch!! it gets goooood. it'll make for a good marathon :)

  2. PS you should add the option of using your name/URL to leave a comment so those of us with self-hosted blogs don't have to use our fake blogger accounts to do it ;)
