Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Weekly dose of Oliver

Oliver had a pretty good week. He went hiking with his dad and uncles in the Virginia mountains. They hiked somewhere around 15 miles to a waterfall, saw BEARS, and still somehow managed to make it back home standing up (not for long). 
He also got to see his cousin, Lucie, on Mother's day. They are so damn cute when they play, Lucie totally dominates him with her 12 pound frame and if she doesn't get her way, she just sits on his face.
We also took a few good naps on fresh washed bedding. Maybe one day I'll get to enjoy the sheets and comforter straight out of the dryer before he does. 


  1. He's so handsome I can't even deal.

  2. He's such a beautiful dog. I can't get over it. I love the photos!!!! Oliver, you such a stud!
