Friday, March 16, 2012

Oliver Obsession.

I don't think it's a surprise to anyone that I'm obsessed with Oliver. Don't get me wrong, I love Lola, she's my first born and cuddles better than anyone I know, but there's just something about dog children that's unlike anything else. 
We recently started going to the dog park a couple days a week and he. goes. nuts. There's always the dog that barks constantly, the dog that bullies other dogs, the dogs that couldn't care less that there are other dogs around, and then Oliver. He tries to be best friends with everyone, goes up to every single dog and rolls on his back into submission (we really should get him a dog sibling so he stops playing like a cat) and outruns everyone.

After an hour or so he's usually so exhausted he can barely stand up. We try to leave and he makes it halfway to the car before falling to the ground and giving you that look of I can'tttt makeeee itttttt. And this inevitably happens.
He's still not aware that he isn't a carrying-size dog. But it kind of makes me love him more. The end result is about 16 hours of sleep.
Being a dog mom is one of my favorite things in the world. Dog-cat ladies of the world UNITE.