Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Wedding!

As much as I bitched, moaned, and complained to everyone about having to have a wedding, it was perfect. So, so much better than I could have thought it would be. 
Niec and I woke up and ordered room service (have I talked about how amazing room service is yet? Because it's probably the greatest thing ever invented.) and tried to stay calm about everything that was about to happen, especially considering I no longer had time to slack (Running to walmart on Easter for a million things? Sounds like a good idea. Making a seating chart an hour before it starts? Sure! putting together all the favors that were sitting in a box untouched forever? Why not!)

The day felt hectic of course, we were running late and my sisters were taking a while and Bijou was all over the place, but luckily I didn't have time to get too nervous. I thought I would be shaking and freaking out but I didn't at all. My heart starting pounding when I watched my sisters walk out but then I just felt like hey, these are all people I love, I don't have to be 'perfect' at this, what's the big deal? 

The song I was walking down the aisle to came on and it was just so perfect that I didn't even care anymore. 

The ceremony was so much easier than I thought it would be. Bijou stood behind me and played with my dress and put flowers and probably dirt on it the whole time, which made me laugh. I glanced at our friends and family to look at Alyssa crying to make me feel less nervous when I started to feel twitchy (sorry to laugh at you for your emotion, you know I mean it in the best way possible). 

I think the best part of the ceremony was a butterfly landing right on me (my butt to be exact, how sweet) and then landing on Chuckie's arm right after. It felt like it was a ~sign of good things to come. Although in the moment I only knew it landed on him while five seconds later a bug landed on my arm and I couldn't help but say 'why did you get the butterfly and I got a bug?' 

The food was to die for, all of my favorite people were there, everyone looked beautiful, it was wonderful. I didn't know if I would even end up dancing  but once we requested Ginuwine - Pony, the party got started. 

We drank and danced all night. Bijou tore up the dance floor. I belted out Taking Back Sunday - Cute without the E which was one of my favorite moments of the night. Alyssa fell out of the photobooth when we tried taking a picture together. We dance sandwiched the people who weren't getting down. Chuckie did an interpretive dance for the camera. I sat on a huge vase that was soaking wet. My boob fell out when I danced too hard.  

We went back to the hotel at the end of the night and continued the fun. Uncle Joe kept me up until 3am repeating himself about how much he loved his life (and motorcycles). Eric got yelled at by my dad and promptly fell asleep on a bench. 

We didn't do a lot of traditional things. No toasts, no first dance, no cake cutting, no bouquet toss. I didn't feel second hand embarrassed for myself at any time, which is all I ever feel at weddings. Danny and Lauren who run the venue kept telling me it was one of the most fun weddings they have ever held. The videographer told me it was the best wedding they shot all year and he was so happy he got to experience it before him and his girlfriend started planning their wedding because it was exactly what he wanted. I generally don't believe people when they say stuff like this about weddings, but you know what? I believe it. Because it was that fucking fabulous. A giant party with amazing food, 2k worth of booze, perfect weather and my favorite people in the entire world. 


  1. I am so unbelievably happy for you to. I am so happy for this post, with all the pictures and your story I feel like i got to experince part of your day -- but god do I wish I could have been there. Can we time travel and go back and do it all again? Please.

    All that stress, I am sure that it mor then paid off. It sounds like you had such an amazing night and will ALWAYS remember it, plus it sounds like the wedding and party were right up yours and Chuckies alley. I wouldn't have expected anything other then that.

    I can't wait to see all the pictures and meet you guys again as a married couple! I know I have said it like a million and six times, but, Congratualtions!

  2. ps. I stole a photo from this post, but I linked it back to your page & gave you photo creds. Thanks! :)
