Saturday, July 14, 2012

July, so far.

July has been pretty busy but great so far. Chuckie and I started planning a potential October vacation, one of my best friends came to visit for a week, I had dinner with one of my oldest, closest friends, had an excellent girls night with some potential new (and old!) friends, spent a ton of time with my babies and had excellent lunch dates with my love. I haven't had a single want-to-kill-myself stomach ache since going GF (although I've had plenty of regular/acid reflux/nausea from neck pain stomach aches, but I digress) and although I'm still a grumpy asshole about it most of the time, I'm learning to adjust. 
Next weekend we're heading up to Philly (and surprisingly going to try to convince myself to move there? Side-eyeing myself, to be quite honest) to celebrate Chuckie's birthday. Things are good.

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