Saturday, August 4, 2012


I have been the worst at blogging this summer. Between my computer biting the dust and being more active this time of year than any other time, it's been hard to sit down and pull myself together long enough to write. I figure being can't-get-off-the-couch hungover on a Saturday morning is the perfect time to finally do it, right? 

Things are going really well though. I start a new job (!!! finally!) next week, and even though it's a bit of a drive, it's in my favorite part of NoVA (or the only part I actually like, but I digress), where Chuckie and I had our first apartment together. There's tons of shops and cafes and bakeries all along the Potomac river, which will be good for me to be near again. 

Our trip to Philly was excellent. We had such a good time walking all around the city, checking out the different neighborhoods (Chestnut Hill, I love you), and eating all the delicious things. We hung out with some amazing ladies (and their dudes) and it was definitely the best part of the whole trip. They alone make me think Philly should be my next move, but we'll see what happens.

Around these parts I've been doing my best to get out more. I've been seeing a lot of old friends I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to rekindle friendships with, and have been meeting a handful of fun new people which is always nice. I've been doing some new things for my spiritual health and I'm starting to feel a big difference which is always amazing. Moving here really could have swayed me to the dark side of depression and life hating and I'm really glad that I've been able to keep a positive outlook on things. 

And now, I have brunch calling my name..


  1. So, I was just with Megan and Ellen last night and we were talking about how much we loved hanging out with you and how we need to do it again asap :) I believe it is time to start planning.

    Congrats on the job too dude :) so happy for you.

    Lets get together soon & discuss our terrible summer blogging.

    1. ahh yes yes yes! we should plan a saturday night soon! i'm free on... all of them except the 18th haha. ;)
