Thursday, August 16, 2012

Currently.. because I am THE WORST at anything else.

This month is shaping up to be the best month we've had in a long time. I love my new job! The girls are amazing and the hours are flawless AND I work on the same block as a cupcake shop with the most delicious GF cupcakes AND a gelato shop. It's the little things, right? I also just really love being in Old Town, and if we stay here past May (when our lease is up) we'll probably move back up there.
Chuckie got a new job that is exactly what he wanted and like, double the money which is GREAT. Everything is coming together! The beginning of the year was so rough that this is feeling extra great right now and I'm appreciating it a lot. Here are some other things that are making me happy lately:

The cutest portrait ever by the amazing Sara

Fabulous days by the water with friends

The cutest kids in the world

Don't be fooled by these bland looks, it is actually 
mascarpone gelato and AMAZING.

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