Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DC brunch, booze, and zoos.

This weekend Chuckie and I ventured up to DC to hang out with a few fabulous ladies I know. Kristen picked out Firefly for brunch, a GF-friendly restaurant that was delicioussss. 

Mushroom & cheddar omelette, home fries

Several mimosas later we decided to go to the zoo. Let me tell you what, I love the zoo, LOVE IT, but every time I go all the animals go into hiding and we see maybe 10% of the animals. WHY? WHY ANIMALS? Let me also tell you that walking around a zoo in 90 degree weather after a lot of mimosas probably isn't the smartest idea. We lasted maybe an hour before we were all "soo... about those bars up the road...". 

Possibly my favorite couple ever.

HOW CUTE ARE THEY? I love this so much. 
BTW that panda is me.

We went to a few different places, I got a delicious brownie (the first delicious one I've had IN MONTHS, THANK YOU BABBY JESUS), ate some delicious mussels, and everyone had beers the size of their heads.

It was such a great day. I love those ladies so much and the two Charles were so in love. Now I just have to set a plan in motion to get Eva to visit her grandma in Fairfax more often...

Sunday was rainy and gloomy, so Chuckie and I cuddled up to watch the Hunger Games. It may not have anything on the book, but I will still watch it 700 times in the next year, I'm sure. I then had THE. BEST. reading of my life. Holy crap. One of the ladies I know who does spiritual work was so impressed with him that she asked him to come into town and give readings and I'm so glad I got to have one. Five minutes into the reading he stopped what he was saying, looked at me and said, "why are you so afraid of ______?" (one of my Big Time Issues) I probably picked my jaw up off the floor ten times during the reading. He helped me realize A LOT and I feel like it was just as much a therapy session as a reading. I'm going to be doing some work with him soon and I'm SO excited. I think this was the extra push I needed to get off my butt and start doing some of the work I need to be doing and I'm so looking forward to it.

1 comment:

  1. MISSING YOU BABES ALREADY! need to come back ASAP.
