Wednesday, August 8, 2012


My sister recently saw my blog and wasn't happy with the lack of her on it. I remember making a conscious effort to not talk about them all the time because I think I do IRL, but then I realized I almost never talk about them on here which is NUTS.

My sisters are my favorite people in the entire world. I have been so fucking lucky to have built in best friends, support systems, and two people who always understand me. Jessica was a little asshole to me when we were middle school aged, but we haven't had any problems since, and Monique and I have always been close. We have had periods of time where we literally do everything together (even worked together.. ah, IHOP skillets and 3 hour lunch breaks, I miss you). 

I'm constantly struggling with where to live/what to do with myself and the main reason is these jerks. I tried and tried to deal with living far away from them and I just couldn't. I love that since I've been back I see Jess at least once a week and Monique probably every other day. Monique is the only person on the planet who I can spend every second of everyday with and we never fight, never get into it. She came with me to Atlanta to help me move and we took a mini road trip, and even on the last day together we were still talking non-stop and laughing hysterically and just looked at each other and said 'how the hell do we do this? Why are we so in love?' I honestly don't know how we manage it. I'm so glad I moved back (temporarily) to remind myself just what we have.

When I think about the future and how I only really want one kid, I get such a sense of guilt because how could I NOT give my kid a sister? I think to myself that if we live close enough that she'll always have her cousins and it'll be good enough but really, will it? Is it even possible to have a connection like this without being siblings? And then I try to remind myself of all the siblings who don't get along and couldn't care less about being close and I really just can't even imagine. They drive me nuts and we're all so different but they're my soulmates and I can't imagine it being any other way.

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